Photography in general I feel allows us a moment to express something withing ourselves that we wouldn’t show otherwise, to show the beauty, grace, strength and enthusiasm of people. I love placing people in exaggerated situations that highlight an aspect of who they are, always looking for a sense of defiance and fortitude in my work. I picked up a camera when I was 10 and imminently fell in love it was my grandmothers old Ansco camera there was something about capturing a moment and having it permanently stored there at that moment I said I need to keep this up as the years went by I got more serious about the craft I needed to learn more test more theories dive into editing and at that time it was brushes and chemicals, now we have Photoshop and Lightroom making it much simpler to do what once took hours for one shot, but the ability to get that perfect shot is still there taking multiple sometimes hundreds of repeated pictures just to make sure you have at least one in pure perfection there is a love to this and I enjoy every second of it.